Empower families with our evidence-based home visiting curriculum

Strengthen attachment & grow family resiliency

Empower families with our evidence-based home visiting curriculum

Strengthen attachment & grow family resiliency

Everything you need for the early years

Engaging the family and keeping parents active in visits can be challenging.

With Growing Great Kids Next Generation Prenatal-36 Months curriculum you will:  

  • Individualize for each family with less planning time
  • Facilitate secure parent-child attachment
  • Support families as they work to achieve their goals
Next Generation Preschool manuals

Boosts Protective Buffers

Child and parent reading book.

Based on Science

Next Generation Preschool manuals

Virtual & In-Person Use



Enjoy having a constant guide in your hands

Your work is supporting generational change. We understand the importance of having the right guides, empowering you to support families.

With Growing Great Kids curriculum, you will be ready to go.

You will have everything you need for developmental activities, family-led conversation starters, and more.

Our home visit notes provide suggestions, reminders, and tips to support YOU in each visit.


200+ topics


Parent-child activities


Flexible for program models


Boost parent engagement


Interactive conversation guides


Prenatal through 36 months


Trauma-informed approach

Flexible training options

You can choose the path that works best for you!

Order Curriculum Set

Purchase the curriculum and certification and receive your manuals

Attend Training

Learn how to use the manuals by choosing the best training option for you:

  • Self-Study: Automatic enrollment means you can immediately dive into interactive self-paced modules at your convenience
  • Trainer-Led Hybrid: Optional enrollment available for an additional fee, providing access to live, interactive sessions with our expert trainers, along with self-study modules

Home Visit With Ease

Begin using the curriculum with families and experience more family engagement  

Build parenting skills using a variety of topics to meet families where they are. 

“This curriculum is very rich and dynamic, built to find our family’s needs individually.”

All-Inclusive Home Visiting Curriculum

Image of mother holding happy baby for home visiting curriculum landing page.

Comprehensive Package

Beautifully designed manuals, including up-to-date research, inclusive pictures, and language. Written in a strength-based and trauma-informed manner that is easily understood and adapted.

New mom nurturing her baby

Program Success

Programs have shown improved outcomes when using our evidence-based curriculum. Over 50,000 people have been trained to use the Great Kids curricula!

Individualizes the Experience for Each Family

Parents are their children’s first and most important teachers. This curriculum respects their voice and choice by being flexible enough to fit their needs and interests.

What's included with GGK Next Generation Prenatal-36 Months Curriculum Series:

The Curriculum Materials:

  • Jump Start Manual: This manual contains valuable conversation guides for introducing the Key Ingredients and several introductory family modules.
  • Key Ingredients Ring: This product includes durable, laminated versions of all Key Ingredient handouts (Prenatal and P-36 versions) and a Feeling Words list.
  • 6 Development-Based Manuals
    The Development-Based Manuals are updated, based on the latest research in the field, and contain conversation guides for use with families. Each manual supports parents and home visitors to individualize the curriculum to reflect each family’s needs, interests, and goals.
    • Prenatal
    • Birth to 6 Months
    • 7 to 12 Months
    • 13 to 18 Months
    • 19 to 24 Months
    • 25 to 36 Months
  • Fidelity Guide: This manual is a reference guide for Home Visitors that will walk them through all “Best-Practice Recommendations” and give much detail about several topics of importance to their implementation of the Growing Great Kids Next Generation curriculum.
  • Growing Great Families Manual: This manual focuses on strengthening families, stress management, life skills, building protective buffers, and promoting parental resilience.
  • Electronic Access to Additional Resources:
    • Parent Handouts
    • GGK Next Generation Documentation Checklists
    • Key Ingredients Certificates
    • GGK GPS Tool

Tier I Certification

Learn how to use the manuals with our flexible home visitor training options. You can choose the path that works best for you:

  • Self-Study: Automatic enrollment means you can dive into self-paced modules at your convenience.
  • Trainer-Led Hybrid Training: Attend live, interactive sessions led by our expert trainers, plus self-study modules.
  • Exclusive Group Training: For an additional fee, create a cohort of your agency peers for a more collaborative learning experience.

The self-study certification is an engaging, productive, and fun learning experience via our online learning platform, the Great Kids Academy. Staff are required to be certified in GGK before using the curriculum with families.

The GGK Next Generation P-36 Tier I Self-Study certification is available immediately after purchase. It consists of approximately 34 hours of learning content that is suggested to be completed over one or two weeks.

It is best practice to avoid scheduling unnecessary meetings and blocking time to complete the training. Participants must complete each portion of the self-study to receive a certificate noting they completed 34 hours of learning content.

Model Alignment:

Our curricula are flexible enough to be used within most program models.

With Great Kids curricula, certification programs, and professional development resources, practitioners will enhance their ability to engage parents. They will have the tools to motivate parents to be their child’s first and most important teacher — all within their own family values, traditions, and culture. 

GGK® is endorsed by Healthy Families America and is identified by Head Start as a promising evidence-based curriculum with clear alignment to the Early Learning Outcomes Framework and the Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Framework.

Protective Factors:

Great Kids certifications and the Growing Great Kids curriculum include practical strategies for strengthening protective factors and reducing stress.  

An Evidence-Based Curriculum:

Great Kids has incorporated decades of theoretical and empirical foundations regarding the kinds of interventions that have been shown to make a difference for children into the Growing Great Kids Prenatal to 5 Years and Growing Great Families curricula.

Strengthen your program with our professional development offerings:

On-Demand Support:

Reach out to gktrainer@greatkidsinc.net for direct support on training questions.

Success Consultant Service:

You are assigned a Success Consultant with extensive experience with the curriculum at the program implementation and certified trainer-level.

Free post-training calls:

We offer monthly post-training support calls facilitated by certified GK trainers free of charge to anyone who wants to further their knowledge on implementing the curriculum.

Tier II Post-Training Support:

The curriculum and certification purchase includes additional year-long access to our Tier II professional development online course that walks participants through a deeper dive into moving through knowledge and skills around home visiting best practice.

Tools for Supervisors:

To best support you in your role as a supervisor, we provide you with access to the Growing Great Kids Next Generation Tier II for Supervisors course. We encourage you to complete the online content alongside your staff or prior to home visitors completing the course.

Enjoy Our “Learning Through Exploration” Session – FREE!

Try a FREE sample session on babies learning through exploration and start experiencing impactful home visits using GGK Next Generation P-36.
Sample Growing Great Kids Manuals.

3+ decades of experience & over 50,000 people certified

What Growing great kids Partners are saying

“Growing Great Kids & Growing Great Families has been an essential part of my life for 10 years now.”

– Shekinah Thompson of Healthy Families Georgia

“We came across Great Kids and it didn’t take us very long to read and understand that the curriculum aligns with everything we need here for our early home-based programs.”

– Jennifer Estrada of Stanislaus County Office of Education

“Growing Great Kids is the reason I do what I do today!”

– Krystal Layne of KY HANDS

More Professional Development Courses You’ll Love

ELEVATE…The Advanced Practice Series

A library of online courses designed to promote the confidence and competence of certified Growing Great Kids Next Generation curriculum users. 

Learn More >