Get answers to your questions.
If you have a question not answered here, please email info@greatkidsinc.net.
Certification Questions
Who must be certified in order to use Growing Great Kids curricula?
Anyone implementing the GGK curriculum with families must be certified.
Can we access the materials prior to our certification seminar?
No. Before using the curriculum, you must be certified in a GGK self-study course.
Are there any educational/degree requirements to be certified in Great Kids?
No. That would be an agency or model specific requirement.
About Materials, Handouts, & Manuals
Do you offer materials/handouts for families as well?
Yes! For select products, you receive access to downloadable parent handouts for printing, emailing, texting, and screen sharing. The products include Next Generation P-36, Next Generation for Preschoolers, Hope at Home, and Growing Great Families Next Generation.
Does Great Kids offer electronic/digital access to manuals?
At this time, Great Kids offers manuals only in hard copy. We are continuing to explore other options for our curriculum manuals, including making them available electronically.
What languages are Great Kids materials offered in?
All Great Kids materials are available in English. P-36 is available in Spanish, and Preschool Spanish is coming soon. To find out about other offerings available in different languages, please email info@greatkidsinc.net.
How can I preview Great Kids materials?
Join us for an introductory consultation. Pick a time and date convenient to your schedule.
Does Great Kids offer anything for parenting groups?
We offer Great Kids Together Parenting and Socialization Group Curriculum.
GK Together is a play-based parenting group curriculum designed for facilitators to use with prenatal families and families with children birth through age five.
Questions on Assessments
Does Great Kids offer or recommend an assessment?
Great Kids does not offer an accompanying assessment, nor do we recommend specific assessments. Our partners utilize a wide range of assessment options and have found success integrating them with GGK®.
Does Great Kids offer a Fidelity Assessment or Guide?
Yes! Our GGK Next Generation curriculum includes a Fidelity Guide with accompanying assessments. To learn more about these product features, please visit What We Offer.
Questions on Costs
Are there ongoing costs that I should plan for? i.e.: replacement manuals, supplies, etc.
While no recurring licensing fees exist, many programs budget for replacement manuals due to normal wear and tear and replenishing supplies used for activities.
Are there recurring licensing fees?
No. GGK® has no recurring or annual certification or licensing fees. It is affordable and is structured to be financially sustainable with a front-loaded cost structure.
What are the costs?
Find costs for any of our products listed on the GK Store.
Does the curriculum support the Protective Factors?
Yes. Please visit our Protective Factors page to learn more.
We are a Healthy Families America site, how does Great Kids align with the HFA model?
Healthy Families America and Great Kids have worked in partnership for many years, focused on the development & delivery of training & curriculum for Healthy Families America (HFA) sites.
Visit the model alignment page to learn more.
We are a Head Start/Early Head Start site, how does Great Kids align with our model?
The Growing Great Kids Home Based Curricula Series exceeds all Head Start Curriculum requirements.
Visit the model alignment page to learn more.
Are there reporting requirements?
Getting Started with Great Kids