Confidently support families in recovery

Help families go from surviving to thriving with support from our substance use disorder curriculum

Confidently support families in recovery

Help families go from surviving to thriving with support from our Substance Use Disorder counselor training.

Healthy futures hang in the balance

When a parent is in recovery from substance use disorder, their family is in recovery too. Since their old ways of functioning no longer work, the family is set off balance. Supporting families as they navigate family dynamics is always challenging, but when you enter a situation where substance use disorder is an issue, you may feel in over your head. Their recovery is not up to you, but supporting the family to regain that balance is an important part of your work.

Great Kids understands the many factors facing you in your work with families. That’s why, for over three decades, our curricula and training have offered a holistic approach to helping you partner with families in a strength-based way.

Support families as they work to restore balance in their lives.

Strengthen the whole family.

Hope at Home is your one-stop shop for supporting families in recovery.

Order Hope at Home today.

Training to help you make a lifelong difference

Order Hope at Home

Purchase and access the course online and receive your manual in the mail

Grow your skills

Complete the 2 hour course online at your own pace

Plant seeds of change

Support families with Hope at Home virtually or in person

Enjoy Our “The Impact of Substance Use on Prenatal and Early Childhood Development” Session – FREE!

Get our FREE sample session on the impact of substance use and start restoring balance in the families you support with Hope at Home.
Image showing the cover of Hope at Home, our online course to help you help families go from surviving to thriving with support from our substance use disorder curriculum.

We know substance use disorder is on the rise, and resources to help families in recovery are limited.  

Hope at Home is the comprehensive curriculum to help you meet this need.

Seeing the lack of materials available to support families in recovery, Great Kids developed Hope at Home under the guidance of a substance use expert.



Rely on Hope at Home’s up-to-date research and evidence-based information.



Make families feel safe and secure as you seek to prevent further trauma or re-traumatization.



Support the whole family system by building on their dynamics and promoting parent-child attachment.

Using Hope at Home Curriculum

So much more than a manual

20+ Conversation Topics

Let the conversation guide do the work as you tailor discussions to each family’s needs.

Topics include:

  • Healthy relationships
  • Stress management
  • Coping skills

20+ Activities

Incorporate children into play-based exercises that grow secure attachments.

Activities include:

  • Building positive memories
  • Showing appreciation
  • Promoting resiliency

Independent Online Learning

Learn HOW to use the manual with families and gain knowledge around family-strengthening and protective factors.

Contents include:

  • Risks and protective factors
  • Effects on attachment and child development
  • 2 hours of independent online learning

With Hope at Home in hand, you are:

Next Generation Preschool manuals

A Knowledgeable Guide

Step into your role prepared with skills and knowledge around family strengthening and protective factors

Child and parent reading book.

An Authentic Ally

Feel ready to come alongside family challenges through open, nonjudgmental, and authentic conversations

Next Generation Preschool manuals

Joyful Partner

Celebrate as families demonstrate resiliency, reach goals, and experience more joy together


Bring hope to the whole family.

With 1 in 8 parents struggling with substance use disorder, families need services that help each member heal and recover.

With Hope at Home, you’ll help parents be fully present in their children’s lives and make the lasting change they long for.

Beyond boilerplate scripts

Conversations that go deeper than a simple script

Understandable by all

Research-based contents written to be easily understood 

A holistic approach

A comprehensive understanding of the many factors that affect a family and child’s development

All in one

One ready-to-use, reusable curricula instead of multiple workbooks and worksheets