How can we help?
These FAQs are tailored specifically to our existing partners.
Great Kids is committed to supporting you! If you are a new customer to Great Kids please visit our New to GK FAQ for new customer page.
If you have a question not answered here, please email your Success Consultant.
Amber Green: agreen@greatkidsinc.net | Laura Joyal: ljoyal@greatkidsinc.net | Zoe Lemme: zlemme@greatkidsinc.net.
Questions on Training
Can a new Home Visitor use existing curriculum for a self-study certification?
Our practice is to not allow participants to use existing curriculum manuals for certifications due to the many challenges we have encountered in the past, including participants using the wrong manuals, dated manuals, or having incomplete sets, etc. When problems arise with manuals not mirroring the course materials, it is challenging for the participants to follow specific activities. We also find that those participants who have dated materials do not have a strong training experience as they are struggling to cross-reference items presented and do not have the concrete tools introduced (because their manuals may be dated) when they return to their sites.
I forgot my login to the Great Kids Online Learning Academy; how can I retrieve that?
Please email techsupport@greatkidsinc.net.
What are our options for advanced training or refreshers?
Currently, Great Kids offers two learning series to enhance learning and support growth in using the GGK® Curriculum SOAR… Personal & Professional Development Series contains courses that provide participants with foundational knowledge to enhance their skills. ELEVATE…The Advanced Practice Series is specifically tailored to our partners using the GGK Next Generation Curriculum set.
Are there ongoing costs that I should plan for? i.e. replacement manuals, supplies, etc.?
While there are no recurring licensing fees, many programs do budget for replacement manuals due to normal wear and tear as well as replenishing supplies used for activities.
When should we begin Tier II after our GGK training?
Per our User License Terms and Conditions, all supervisors and home visitors who have been awarded GGK Tier I Certification are required to facilitate or participate in the GGK Tier II skill development program beginning within two months of signing the User License Terms and Conditions Agreement.
Does Great Kids offer anything for parenting groups?
Yes, we offer Great Kids Together Parenting and Socialization Group Curriculum.
GK Together is a play-based parenting group curriculum designed for facilitators to use with prenatal families and families with children birth through age five.
We have new staff, how do we get them certified?
Visit Partner Support for the step-by-step process to order Great Kids certifications.
Ordering materials
How do I order materials?
Visit the GK Store to order materials. Simply add it to the cart and check out using a credit card or purchase order.
What languages are Great Kids materials offered in?
All Great Kids materials are available in English. Several are also available in Spanish. To find out more about which curricula are available in Spanish or if you have further questions, please email info@greatkidsinc.net.
Will Great Kids be offering electronic/digital access to manuals?
At this time, Great Kids offers manuals only in hard copy. We are continuing to explore other options for our curriculum manuals, including making them available electronically.
We are GGK P-36 certified, are there materials for supporting older children in the homes?
Yes, visit our GK Store for information about our Play With Me! 3 and Play With Me!4 Child Development Activity manuals.
Questions on Assessment
Does Great Kids offer or recommend an assessment?
Great Kids does not offer an accompanying assessment, nor do we recommend specific assessments as our partners utilize a wide range of assessment options and have found success integrating them with GGK.
Does Great Kids offer a Fidelity Assessment or Guide?
Yes! Our GGK Next Generation curriculum includes a Fidelity Guide with accompanying assessments. To learn more about these product features, please visit What We Offer.
General Questions
How can I be added to your email list?
You can opt-in to our listserv and stay in the know – use this link: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/mGNzI2R/GKEmail.