Elevate Your Home Visit Practice
Online training to advance skills and boost confidence for Growing Great Kids users.
Grow Your Confidence in Every Visit
ELEVATE… The Advanced Practice Series: a library of online courses designed to promote the confidence and competence of certified Growing Great Kids Next Generation curriculum users.
Training details for each ELEVATE course:
- 2 hour courses
- Self-paced online learning
- For GGK certified users
- Course completion certificate included


Supporting Optimal Development
This course helps learners use the GGK curriculum to support optimal development, understand its materials and Fidelity Guide, and tailor it to meet families’ unique needs and abilities.
This course supports you to:
- Define unique needs and optimal development
- Enhance your knowledge of the Fidelity guide and how to individualize the curriculum for all families
- Understand how the curriculum provides tools to build trusting relationships

Mini, Measurable, and Meaningful Goals
This course explores goal creation, focusing on language, stages of change, and the 3MMMs Framework to help families set mini, measurable, and meaningful goals, using GGK and GGF as essential resources.
This course supports you to:
- Use the GGK curricula to create goals with families
- Reflect on your own goal journey to develop empathy for families
- Understand the research behind why goal setting is important

Using GGK to Support Family Culture
This course teaches learners to use the curriculum to support families’ cultures, exploring cultural concepts, tools, and how Growing Great Kids fosters culturally responsive services.
This course supports you to:
- Define culture and what it is made up of
- Learn how to use the culture humility approach with families
- Use the curriculum manual modules to learn about a family’s culture and values

A Deep Dive into the GGK GPS Tool
Embark on a deep dive into the GGK GPS Tool, a resource for the home visitor to use in partnership with the family to plan upcoming visits.
In this course, you will:
- Understand the significance of intentional and parent-involved planning
- Define the GGK GPS Tool and describe its components
- Recognize when to use the tool
- Use the tool to support planning and partnership with families

Exploring the Great Kids Assessment Tools
This course provides a detailed exploration of using GGK Assessment Tools with fidelity, emphasizing the benefits of reflection and collaboration for professional growth.
This course explores the following tools:
- GGK Fidelity Self-Assessment Checklist
- GGK Fidelity Observation Tool for Supervisors and Coaches
- GKI Core Competencies for Effective Home Visiting Self-Assessment
- The Individual Professional Development Plan
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Join the cadre of organizations helping to ensure successful outcomes.

Growing Great Kids®
Why Choose Great Kids?

Proven Success
Over 37,000 people have been trained to use the Great Kids curricula

Protective Factors – GGK Constructs
Research informed constructs embedded in the Protective Factors Framework

Alignment with Head Start
The Growing Great Kids Home Based Curricula Series exceeds all Head Start Curriculum requirements

Evidenced Based Research
As evidenced by seven independent evaluations, the GGK Curriculum produces outstanding results

Specialized Training Programs
On-site and virtual training options available

Healthy Families America
The Growing Great Kids curriculum aligns with and builds upon the HFA model approach
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