Empathy…The Foundation For Love

Empathy…The Foundation For Love

As I sat down to write this blog, I couldn’t help but think about the last time I was able to share with each of you. We’ve been busy at Great Kids®, creating lots of new products and updating existing materials. Due to this, we had to take some time away...
The Next Generation

The Next Generation

Great Kids has been up to some exciting things for the past couple of years, and we are finally ready to share with the rest of the world! We have completed our most comprehensive update of our GGK Prenatal to 36 months (GGK P36) curriculum series – we call it the...
Growing Creativity in Young Children

Growing Creativity in Young Children

A few weeks ago, I found myself creating art with a kiddo. At the time, we were experiencing quite the heatwave, so we decided to try out our sidewalk chalk indoors. As I sat with this little one, I watched them embrace each piece of chalk between their tiny fingers...
Welcoming a New Sibling

Welcoming a New Sibling

In today’s technology-driven world, it seems so much simpler to capture special moments. Most of us usually have our phone handy, so it’s easy to snap a picture or even take a video of those bits of life that you’d like to cherish forever. Though it’s easier to...
Playing Outside, It’s More than Fun

Playing Outside, It’s More than Fun

Imagine a child, skipping along a dirt road surrounded by green woods as they toss a hula hoop into the air. This child anticipates the fall of the hula hoop as they quickly throw out one arm to catch it with their small hand. Once that hula hoop hits the child’s...

Welcoming a New Baby and Lots of Emotions

To help me brainstorm a topic for May, I took some time to stroll through the blogs that had been written in the past few months. As I glanced at the old topics, I realized it had been a while since I wrote a blog that focused on parents. Since this month is...