
Great Kids® curriculum produces outstanding results for programs that adhere to the critical program elements.

Independent evaluations of participating programs have demonstrated significant and sustained benefits for children, families, and communities. 


Great Kids is committed to the use of research both in developing our curricula as well as in measuring the effectiveness of our products in the field.

Research-Based Curriculum

Great Kids has incorporated decades of theoretical and empirical foundations regarding the kinds of interventions that have been shown to make a difference for children into the Growing Great Kids® Prenatal to 5 Years and Growing Great Families® curricula.

Support your understanding of how scientific research and theory correlate to the best practice recommendations found within the Great Kids curricula and professional development offerings by viewing our Understanding the Research Base: Theoretical & Empirical Foundations resource document.

Evidence of Effectiveness

Great Kids products are utilized in home visitation and child development programs across the world. Over thirty peer-reviewed research publications and program reports have referenced the utilization of Great Kids curriculum. These publications include multiple evidence-based program and span domestic and international home visitation and Head Start organizations. This body of research evaluates a broad range of Great Kids curriculum relevant health outcomes, including but not limited to: prenatal health, child health, maternal health, child development, and child maltreatment.

A list of relevant publications can be reviewed in our Program Partners: Research Publications resource document.

Current Research Initiatives:

In 2019, Great Kids began a partnership with the University of Kentucky to expand research on Great Kids curricula products and trainings. Results from this research partnership will support the continuous evaluation and improvement of Great Kids offerings. For additional information on this partnership and current research projects, please email us at

User Program Evaluations:

Current users have shared program evaluations on the GGK Curriculum. View the rigorous independent program evaluations here.

Great Kids International

The future of our world community depends on all of us. Children must have the opportunity to reach their optimal growth and development in all childhood domains. Families must be supported to develop the Protective Factors, giving their family resiliency while receiving supportive guidance on child development and nurturing care. Research has established the relationship between parenting/caregiving practices, early learning experiences, and positive outcomes for children.

It is only with responsive care and support for their healthy development that children will grow into resourceful, compassionate individuals who will contribute positively to our global community as adults. 


Great Kids (GK) is an international non-profit training, curricula, and consulting organization specializing in improving the quality of care and developmental stimulation infants and young children receive from their parents and other caregivers.

During the past 20 years, GK has developed training programs and curricula focused on growing nurturing relationships between parents/caregivers and young children that support their early development. 

Our curricula and training programs have been successfully contextualized for use in developing countries. By mentoring a team of trainers and project officers in the use of our Growing Great Kids curricula and staff development programs, our goal is to build in-country capacity and reliance on local professionals by giving them the tools to implement and replicate the Growing Great Kids programs.

For more information on how to partner with GK, contact us today!

To Learn More

In this 30-minute consultation, we will learn more about how you support healthy relationships and successful outcomes for children, families, and your community.

Looking forward to connecting and joining you in the journey of discovery to determine if Great Kids is a fit for you.

Growing Great Kids®

Why Choose Great Kids?

Proven Success

Over 37,000 people have been trained to use the Great Kids curricula

Protective Factors – GGK Constructs

Research informed constructs embedded in the Protective Factors Framework

Alignment with Head Start

The Growing Great Kids Home Based Curricula Series exceeds all Head Start Curriculum requirements

Evidenced Based Research

As evidenced by seven independent evaluations, the GGK Curriculum produces outstanding results

Specialized Training Programs 

On-site and virtual training options available

Healthy Families America

The Growing Great Kids curriculum aligns with and builds upon the HFA model approach


What home visitors and parents are saying about Great Kids.

"We have really loved the whole curriculum! We do home visits, and we see these families in their homes, or in our offices interacting with their kids and planning activities that they can do to build their self-esteem and work together and strengthen their family as a whole."

Candice Ware

Early Childhood/Parent Educator , Catholic Charities of Central Colorado

"We came across Great Kids, Growing Great Kids and it didn’t take us very long at all to read and understand that Great Kids had a curriculum that aligns perfectly with everything that we need here for our early home-based programs."

Jennifer Gutierrez

Child Development Specialist, Stanislaus County Office of Education

Connect With Great Kids